Date Name
15 Sep 2015 Record Date for 2015 Interim Distribution
10 Sep 2015 - 15 Sep 2015 (both days inclusive) Closure of Registers for ascertaining the entitlement of Holders of Share Stapled Units to the proposed 2015 Interim Distribution
8 Sep 2015 Ex-distribution Date
6 Aug 2015 2015 Interim Results Announcement
30 Apr 2015 Record Date for 2014 Final Distribution
27 Apr 2015 – 30 Apr 2015 (both days inclusive) Closure of Registers for ascertaining the entitlement of Holders of Share Stapled Units to the proposed 2014 Final Distribution
20 Apr 2015 2015 Annual General Meeting
14 Apr 2015 – 20 Apr 2015 (both days inclusive) Closure of Registers for ascertaining the entitlement of Holders of Share Stapled Units to attend and vote at the 2015 Annual General Meeting
16 Feb 2015 2014 Annual Results Announcement
7 Oct 2014 Payment of 2014 Interim Distribution of HK14.6 cents per Share Stapled Unit